- 報到後領取事先選擇好顏色的甜圈器皿
- 領取事前選擇好顏色的藤
- 藤和工具介紹
- 藤編的製作流程和技巧學習
- 帶著藤編作品與甜圈花器回家
|AKANE WEAVING|主理人 渡邊茜Akane Watanabe
Modern,simple and charming,
藤編作家 渡邊茜 Akane Watanabe
About the Course
・In our course, you can experience the fun of pottery and make unique gifts for yourself, your family, or your friends.
・We will demonstrate the process step by step. You can also communicate with us instantly if you have any questions.
Booking as a group is welcomed! For further detail, please call: 02-2776-2787.
We hope you enjoy good time here with your family, friends and colleagues :)