




** 本課程時間約3小時,包含詳細的香粉產出與介紹,以及捏製小香座,課程將準時開始,請提前5-10分鐘到店報到。
** 本次課程將製作不同粗細香腳的線香、以及自行捏製喜歡的線香座。
** 參與此課程皆可在當日購買RR手製商品享9折優惠。(寄售商品不列於此折扣活動內)

  • 日期:2025/02/23 (Sun.)
  • 時間:13:00-16:00 (12:50 開始報到)
    13:00-15:00 製作線香
    15:00-16:00 捏製小香座
  • 費用包含講授、材料費,不含運費

* 6人開班,13人滿班,名額有限,敬請提早報名。
* 歡迎揪團包班

*異動政策 : 因此為特殊課程,預定成功後恕不退費,如有不可抗拒的理由,開課前5天來訊取消可退費70%,2-4天內通知則退費50%,前1日或當日取消則完全無法退費,請謹慎斟酌時間後再預約





  • 認識傳說中的線香材料四大名香「沈檀龍麝」
  • 品聞超過十種的香料
  • 不同類型的線香型態和工具介紹
  • 線香的製作流程和技巧
  • 調配屬於個人風格的氣味
  • 由Round Round老師帶領,自由捏製小香座一只。
  • 本次課程將提供三種不同粗細的香腳給大家使用,每人共可以帶回一組香(共7支)。


|宣品香坊|主理人 Betty





About the Course

・In our course, you can experience the fun of pottery and make unique gifts for yourself, your family, or your friends.
・We will demonstrate the process step by step. You can also communicate with us instantly if you have any questions.

Booking as a group is welcomed! For further detail, please call: 02-2776-2787.
We hope you enjoy good time here with your family, friends and colleagues :)

    • 建議報名年齡:12 歲 (含) 以上。
    • 請提早於課程開始前 5-10 分鐘報到,課程將準時開始。
    • 體驗時間:單次課程為 3 小時,包含課後工具清理時間,實際依現場狀況為主。若無法在課程預定時間內完成,或是想要花更多時間製作其他作品,可額外加購自習時數完成 (自習費用:200元/小時)
    • 手工製作陶及燒製的過程皆可能產生龜裂或釉變之非預期效果,請確定能接受再行報名。在窯燒期間若有龜裂狀況,我們將會主動以訊息或電話告知。
    • 陶製作品捏製完後,需經過陰乾、素燒、上釉、釉燒等繁複步驟,會需約 4-6 週的製作過程,如有送禮等需求,或需特定時間取件還請自行斟酌、提早規劃預約。 (如遇疫情、年節、節日期間,窯燒進度受影響將有延緩,等待時間會增長一星期左右,感謝您的耐心。)
    • 此特別課程費用內含:講授、材料費、Round Round自製薰香座一個。
    • 若於課程中製作一件以上之作品,將另以體積計算燒窯費。
    • 若想自行上釉,需自行加購上釉課程。參加體驗課可享上釉課優惠價 300 元,費用包含釉藥自由使用及上釉教學,上釉課時長為40分鐘至1小時,單次上釉作品上限為3件。
    • 為維護其他學員權益,恕不接受陪同體驗或協力製作,敬請配合。
    • 課程場地為天然木地板,有大小不一之隙縫,請避免穿著細跟的鞋子。
    • 陶藝教室內易碎物多,攜帶寵物入店請使用推車或寵物籃。
    • 課程前適當修剪指甲,方便於體驗課程中製作器皿。
    • 店內的層架上皆為易碎物品,請勿動手觸碰商品或作品,若想購買或體驗歡迎咨詢門市老師與工作人員。若不慎損壞任何商品或作品,需照價賠償。
    • 手作作品與工廠量產品不同,都有可能在陰乾與窯燒的過程中有裂開、變型的機率。基於秉持推廣陶的品牌理念,作品若在任何一個階段有了變化,我們都會如實告知,也會給予該階段建議的選擇方案。完美的陶藝創作需要多年的練習,超過千度的高溫窯燒也會對作品產生不可預測的變化。請大家放寬心輕鬆的來體驗課程、享受學習時光並對最後的作品抱持著開放的態度。
    • The courses are recommended for whom over 12 years old.
    • Please arrive and check-in 5-10 minutes before the course starts.
    • The duration of the course is 2 hr. You can join the self-practicing session for NTD$200/hr if you would like to have more time adding details to you work.
    • The course includes the glazing service for your work. If you would like to learn glazing and glaze by yourself, feel free to join the glazing course.
    • Glazing course: NTD$300 an hour, you can glaze up to 3 pieces during the course.
    • Cracking happens occasionally on hand-made pottery works, please be aware of the possibility before enroll the course.
    • Please eat and drink in the reception area. Food and drinks are not allowed to be brought to the working area.
    • There are gaps on our wooden floor, please avoid wearing thin heeled shoes.
    • Surrounded by fragile pottery works, please let your pets stay in a pet carriage or carrier.
    • For your convenience making pottery, please trim your nails properly before coming for classes.
    • There is a long procedure follows to complete your pottery work, such as drying up, bisque firing, glazing, and final firing. The entire process will be 4-6 weeks. Please plan ahead if you works would be gifts or be used on special occasions.
    • All items on the shelves in the store are fragile. Please refrain from touching the goods or artwork without assistance. If you wish to purchase or experience anything, our staff and team members are more than happy to help. If you accidentally damage any goods or works, you will have to compensate for it at its original price.
    • The nature of handmade artistry is inherently different from factory-produced goods. There‘s a chance they might crack or deform during the drying and firing process. In our commitment to promoting the art of pottery, we promise to transparently communicate any changes that may occur during each stage of the process and provide appropriate suggestions. We encourage you not to pressure yourself excessively regarding your craft skills. Instead, feel free to relax and immerse yourself in the joy of learning and participating in our classes.

*異動政策 : 因此為特殊課程,預定成功後恕不退費,如有不可抗拒的理由,開課前5天來訊取消可退費70%,1-4天內通知則退費50%,當日取消則完全無法退費,請謹慎斟酌時間後再預約


  • 如因天災等不可抗力因素,我們將主動聯繫改期,若遇颱風則依政府機關所公告之停班課訊息為標準,參與者如在公告之停班課地區,請自行來電或來信通知進行改期。
  • 如因非可究責本店之因素中止參與活動,恕不予退費。
  • 如遇特殊緊急狀況,本店有權為您延後上課日期,敬請見諒與配合。

Reschedule Policy

The course could not be refunded, but feel free to reschedule the course!

  • The course would be postponed if the government announces to have schools and offices closed under unpreventable occasions, such as Typhoon or intense earthquakes. If you are located in other areas that are announced of the closing schools and offices, please make a call or send messages to reschedule the course with us.
  • If there is an emergency, Round Round has the rights to reschedule the courses. We are sorry if it happens and kindly ask you to cooperate with us.
  • 地點:台北市大安區忠孝東路四段181巷40號1樓。
  • 交通方式:搭乘捷運至「忠孝敦化站」1號出口,步行約3分鐘即可抵達。
  • Location: 1F., No. 40, Ln. 181, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan
  • Transportation: Take the MRT to the「Zhongxiao Dunhua」Station, and exit from EXIT 1. You can arrive at ROUND ROUND in 3 minutes walk.
