- 體驗自己製作的生活陶器皿,自用或作為贈禮都充滿獨特性。
- 逐一步驟教學,將可體驗作陶、完整學習創作技法與知識。
- 教學課程備有獨家設計輔助版型,讓大家都能輕鬆創作。
- 課程皆備有專業創作用具、圍裙,只需輕鬆前來參與。
About the Course
・In our course, you can experience the fun of pottery and make unique gifts for yourself, your family, or your friends.
・We will demonstrate the process step by step. You can also communicate with us instantly if you have any questions.
Booking as a group is welcomed! For further detail, please call: 02-2776-2787.
We hope you enjoy good time here with your family, friends and colleagues :)
此特殊合作課程預訂成功後恕不退費,但可延期至二個月內方便之時段上課。開課 36 小時前可免費延期一次,開課 36小時內延期則需酌收異動費 10%。
- 如因天災等不可抗力因素,我們將主動聯繫改期,若遇颱風則依政府機關所公告之停班課訊息為標準,參與者如在公告之停班課地區,請自行來電或來信通知進行改期。
- 如因非可究責本店之因素中止參與活動,恕不予退費。
- 如遇特殊緊急狀況,本店有權為您延後上課日期,敬請見諒與配合。
Reschedule Policy
The course could not be refunded, but feel free to reschedule the course!
You can reschedule the course at least 48 hrs before it starts for free, a 10% service fee would be charged instead.
- The course would be postponed if the government announces to have schools and offices closed under unpreventable occasions, such as Typhoon or intense earthquakes. If you are located in other areas that are announced of the closing schools and offices, please make a call or send messages to reschedule the course with us.
- If there is an emergency, Round Round has the rights to reschedule the courses. We are sorry if it happens and kindly ask you to cooperate with us.